I am delighted to welcome you to the newly designed ThinkClinic website whose realisation has been made possible thanks to Uwe Kohlhammer’s fine design work and Dunja Freimuth’s admirable digital competence.
I hope you enjoy exploring the site and you find something that might interest you, inspire your imagination, spark off new thoughts or even captivate you. The therapy, supervision and coaching sections are found in the Thinkclinic part of this site. Seminars and curricula are listed in the iThink part and books, publications and lectures in the Thinkaeon part.
Please let me know if you like to receive the Thinkletter or join me on social media. A Twitter box is placed in the Peter Heinl section.
The cosmos of the mind is so fascinating.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Peter Heinl
Dr P Heinl MD MRCPsych