Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist und Family Therapist
Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, London (RCPsych)
International Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association (APA)
Member of the Deutsches Kollegium für Psychosomatische Medizin (DKPM)
Member of the Scientific Committee Holocaust Centrum Austria
Patron of the Children-in-War Memorial Day Project
Medical studies at the Universities of Heidelberg, Montpellier (Scholarship from the University of Heidelberg), Bochum, Hamburg and Freiburg
Research work in the laboratories of Professor Dr Dr J C Rüegg, Institute of Zellphysiologie, University of Bochum, and of the Nobel Prize Winner Professor Sir Andrew Huxley OM PRS at University College, London
MD with Magna cum laude
Fellowship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Postgraduate Training in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the
Maudsley Postgraduate Teaching Hospital
Sheldon Fellow of the Advanced Family Therapy Course at the Tavistock Clinic,
Author of numerous publications and innovative contributions in the fields of Physiology, Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Family Therapy, Psychosomatics and Psychotraumatology
Author of
“Maikäfer flieg, dein Vater ist im Krieg …” Seelische Wunden aus der Kriegskindheit
Splintered Innocence. An Intuitive Approach to Treating War Trauma
Licht in den Ozean des Unbewussten. Vom intuitiven Denken zur Intuitiven Diagnostik. Ein Leitfaden in den Denkraum
and, with Hildegund Heinl, of Körperschmerz – Seelenschmerz. Die Psychosomatik des Bewegungssystems. Ein Leitfaden
(See the Thinkaeon section for the full range of books including literary works)
The spectrum of professional activities encompasses clinical practice, seminars, workshops, lectures and teaching in London and in the United Kingdom, in Germany and Austria
Exploring the unconscious space through the compass of intuition in order to solve clinical problems and Gordian knots in psychotherapy and family therapy, psychotrauma, psychosomatics and psychiatry
Discovering and harvesting the golden fruits of unconscious resources towards mobilising and enhancing emotional and thinking abilities and creative talents
Developing the ThinkClinic vision of an individual consciousness inspired by intuition, imagination, ideas, interaction, information and innovation